exi Project Management worked in partnership with the Council to outsource the management of their leisure centres which included the refurbishment and remodelling of an existing leisure centre and lido in Ashby, Leicestershire.
Framework/Partnership // Ongoing Partnership
Project Type // Refurbishment & Alterations
Date Completed // 2020
exi provided project management and informed client services from inception to completion. exi continue to provide a range of services under a partnership agreement with the Council and this project provided us with an opportunity to demonstrate our skills in business case writing to justify the level of capital spend vs. the increased revenue income as a result of the works.
exi were not only able to resolve the majority of the backlog issues, but we helped deliver a project that has increased membership numbers; improved their reputation as a fitness centre and has seen a notable increase in customer satisfaction.

Ashby Sport & Leisure Centre has always been a well-used facility for the local community and beyond, but with a lack of investment and robust maintenance / care it started to show signs of real deterioration in 2018. exi, as part of our ongoing relationship with the Council were asked to provide a range of options for the delivery of the condition and H&S backlog and were directed to consider wider opportunities that might improve income opportunities.

exi reviewed customer data and carried out a number of member-engagement sessions to understand what the end-users felt about the centre and prepared a brief of requirements to reflect the feedback received.

The end result was a programme of works, funded via an ’invest to save’ model, that improved customer experience; installed new fitness equipment; enhanced the outdoor pool and remodelled the building to maximise usable space.
Added Value
The challenges
- The building is some 50 years old and the planned and reactive maintenance budgets were reduced year on year – resulting in a number of challenges with condition; structure; MEP installations and compliance with current regulations.
- The business case was predicated on a phased approach to the works to ensure members were still able to access the facilities without feeling they needed to look elsewhere. The retention of members was of paramount importance to the Council and exi were tasked with experience maximisation at all times.
What we did…
- Understanding of the building and construction type. We worked with the wider delivery team to ensure the condition / H&S backlog works were continually being considered as the designs developed so as to eradicate them during the construction-phase works.
- exi worked in partnership with the Council and the centre management team to agree a complex phasing strategy that responded to all parties’ expectations. The works were carefully monitored on site and agreement was reached on the timings of noisy / disruptive elements. exi ramped-up the level of resource and frequency of site inspections at key points of the project and maintained ‘the face’ of the project throughout.